Did you go through rehabilitation after Childbirth?

NO. I’m not talking about the traditional postpartum care of taking hot soups and using belts or tummy wraps.

I’m talking about the conscious personalized rehabilitation of your abdominal muscles, pelvic floor and entire body after childbirth.

If your tummy is still big months and years after childbirth, you still leak urine, you have painful intimacy, waist pain that’s persistent,constipation, bloating and more then,you have not gone through postpartum rehab.

You may ask why is this even important?

The reason its important is that during pregnancy your abdominal muscles separates in the middle to make room for your baby to develop, this is known as Diastasis Recti.

After pregnancy this separation remains open and that’s why your tummy doesn’t go down after delivery and there’s more…

Your separated abdominal muscles also affects your pelvic floor muscles and your back muscles because they are all interconnected and that’s why you experience urine leaks when you cough, sneeze, jump, lift or laugh and waist pain that doesn’t go away.

Doing traditional abs exercise like crunches, planks,mountain climbers to get a flatter tummy after childbirth do not work and in most cases they end up making your tummy bigger, because your big tummy is from a muscle disconnection that requires specialized training and core rehab.

So, now you know…

Did you go through postpartum rehabilitation after childbirth? Would you like to go through proper postpartum recovery and rehabilitation?

If your answer is yes, then find out how i can guide you here


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